Deck the Halls with Gingerbread Protein Balls!

Damn right, we’re decking the halls with protein balls!
And yes, they do look more like reindeer turds than what you’d find in a typical holiday baking spread… But they taste amazing and they’re a helluva lot healthier than your Grandma’s shortbread!
Any-ho-ho-ho, my clients often ask me how they can stay on track over Christmas with their diet and training. And let’s face it. Willpower definitely doesn’t come easy when we’re bombarded with booze and treat-filled events to attend all month long. Not to mention gift baskets galore to consume, cookie exchanges to participate in and whatever other gluttonous festivities we’re forced to do because it’s the “holiday season.”
Well, I know myself well enough to know that I can’t deprive myself completely this time of year. And I know that every Christmas, when I get to my parents’ and I’m hangin’ with the fam-jam, there will be copious amounts of Mom’s homemade, refined, white sugar and flour-filled cookies and squares just begging to be eaten.
So how do I get through it unscathed? Well, it’s a lot easier to avoid feeling like a shameful, sick and bloated, beached whale AND not feel restricted if I bring my own holiday-inspired treats to the party.
Case in Point: My Gingerbread Protein Balls!
Again, I KNOW they don’t look as cute and festive as a gingerbread MAN but technically, they could be classified as part of the gingerbread man, right?! **clears throat**
And more importantly, there is a full scoop of muscle-building, Jacked on the Beanstalk Vanilla Protein Powder in every batch. PLUS they’re made with sunflower seed butter which is very high in vitamin E, selenium and B6. BOOYAH!
Yes, these balls will also blast you a healthy shot of magnesium thanks to those sunflower seeds and the molasses in ’em. FUN FACT: magnesium is an excellent sleep aid and helps build healthy bones.
I like sweetening my desserts with molasses because it has the lowest sugar content of all the sugar cane products and it’s high in both iron and calcium. Yet another reason why these balls are good for your bones. 🙂
I also dig that they’re full of cinnamon which will help stabilize your blood sugar (and avoid craving additional carbs and sugar.) And they wouldn’t be gingerbread balls without ginger (which is also an excellent digestive aid.)
This recipe makes seven balls. But I suggest doubling it if you think other peeps will want to test out your vegan balls. 😉
Here’s the recipe:
Gingerbread Protein Balls
1/2 cup sunflower seed butter (and nut or seed butter would work)
1 scoop Jacked on the Beanstalk Vanilla Protein Powder
1/4 cup molasses
1 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
sea salt to taste
Mix together all of the ingredients in a medium-sized bowl until it forms a big dough ball. Roll into balls and refrigerate until ready to eat.
Stay strong, kids! And most importantly, enjoy yourself and focus more on quality time with your family rather than quality time with the buffet table. 🙂
Happy Holidays!
Sam Shorkey, Jacked on the Beanstalk
I LOVE these!! Thanks for the awesome recipe. Easy, delicious, festive balls.
Haha too funny Jessie, I made them last night! Christmas in August, baby! YEAAAAAHHHHHH :)
Finally tried these!! Now I wish I hadn’t, because they’re TOO good!!! Yum!!
[…] dinner if you really, truly want one! And if desserts are your weakness, make up a batch of my gingerbread protein balls and bring them with you to that holiday party. This way, you have your own healthy holiday […]
I can easily say these are THE BEST balls I have ever had in my mouth.
Just made these and I might have to make them everyday leading up to Christmas. Thanks Sam!