Mating Tips from the Animal Kingdom

Today I thought I’d share a fun fact about me that has absolutely nothing to do with vegan bodybuilding whatsoever! 🙂
Does anyone want to know random facts about me that don’t teach them anything about vegan health & fitness? Perhaps not. But this is my blog and I’m sharing it anyway!
Before I became a vegan fitness freak, I was a young, vegetarian freelance writer working for Urban Male Magazine. Better known as “UMM,” (a national mens magazine) it’s basically the “Maxim Magazine” of Canada. Kinda cool right?
I actually studied Print-Journalism and was lucky enough to land an internship with them after school. I had an absolute blast writing smutty, sometimes controversial lifestyle articles for “young & hip” Canadian males. And as I reminisce, I thought I’d share a fun favourite of mine on the blog today. It’s called “Mating Tips from the Animal Kingdom.” And well, it’s kind of relevant seeing as we’re all visiting this page because we love animals, right?
So here ’tis:
I hope you aren’t offended by the subject matter. After all, humans can learn a lot from our animal friends and I, for one, find their mating rituals most interesting.
Enjoy! And let me know if you like reading this stuff because there’s plenty more where this gem came from 😉