Podcast #14: The Sweat-i-sode (Sweat Episode)

Have you ever seen a more intense close-up of my sweaty face before?! Me neither. It both horrifies and attracts me.
Nevertheless, I thought it only appropriate to kick-off this post with a very sweaty pic of me seeing as this week’s podcast episode is all about SWEATING!
Yes, believe it or not, folks, both Sarah and I are super sweaty bastards! In fact, Sare has even had the sweat glands in her pits removed! And well, thankfully my pits have never been quite that brutal. But I’m definitely “The SWASS Queen” everyday at the gym. TMI?
Behold Exhibit A: my swass.
This was actually a “belfie” that I once sent to an ex-boyfriend. You’re probably either repulsed by it or feel “warm & tingly” down there. So I’m either sorry or you’re welcome. And if you went to my gym, you’d be seeing it everyday. #JustSayin 🙂
Truth is, at this point in my vegan bodybuilding career, I just don’t care. And in fact, I almost feel ripped off if I’m NOT drenched in sweat after a workout.
Sweating is soooooooo good for you!! It might not always FEEL pleasant and sometimes it’s downright embarrassing and offensive, sure! BUT we so easily forget that sweating helps us to eliminate toxins AND get rid of viruses & bacteria i.e. why we get a fever when we’re sick. Not to mention sweaty is very beneficial for clearing out our pores and making our skin clear and glowing!
So today on the podcast we’re covering all things sweat-related from the causes of B.O. to the best vegan hippie, all-natural deodorants and how to deodorize from the inside out– shout-out to drinking chlorophyll!!
It’s a hot & sticky episode you definitely don’t want to miss! (Except for maybe at the end when we attempt to sing “Gonna Make You Sweat” by C&C Music Factory.) It’s horrendous and we apologize in advance for it. 🙂
And without further ado, let’s get to the sweat-i-sode, shall we?
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
Awww this totally just made my day, Robert!! You rock!! And I especially love this because I kinda think that the sweat-i-sode is my new favourite episode too!! Not necessarily informative but entertaining nonetheless. And I have the PERFECT response to the “but our teeth were made for eating meat” argument and I actually got this one from Sarah. It’s “no, our teeth are made for chewing carrots.” And I love the topic suggestions. We could totally cover these. And PS – you’re supposed to leave this comment on iTunes if you want us to read it aloud on the next episode. But because it’s such an awesome comment and I would thoroughly enjoy doing a horrible Brit-ish accent, I will make an exception. Thanks for the support and keep those comments coming <3
Best podcast ever! On more than one occasion I almost spat my coffee over my monitor!! I learnt so much more than I did in the classic growing a tail episode; that was classic! So much fun and laughter in your podcasts! – luv it! Would love a podcast on responses to (A) top 10 stupid questions vegans are asked, (B) top 10 responses on why people can’t be vegan. You know; a great responses to the comment “I believe we are meant to eat meet because we have K9’s”! oh, if you do try to pull my accent off; it’s British, not Australia ;)
Awwww thanks so much, girl!!! That was actually one of my fave episodes so glad you enjoyed it. And I would LOVE to attend the World Veg Fest in San Fran!! But alas, I’ll be headed to Jamaica two days later so not sure timing would work out too well. I will, however, more than likely be working at LA Fit Expo. You should come!!!!
Fun podcast, ladies! Will you be at the World Veg Fest in San Francisco on October 1st? I know it’s a trek for you, but California loves you. At least I do!