Podcast #31: Using Colour Therapy to Improve Your Life

Let’s face it– a little colour in our lives can actually be quite beneficial to our health and overall well-being.
And yes, I spell it “colour” not “color.” I’m Canadian, eh? Red and white REPRESENT!
Think about it though. As babies, we experience colour in our mother’s womb before anything else. And so, it only makes sense that we would subconsciously associate the colour pink with feelings of love and comfort.
And whether we buy into the whole “energy chakra” vegan hippie shit or not, colour is forever absorbed by our eyes, skin, skull, “aura” and its energy affects us on all levels: physical, spiritual and emotional.
In fact, every damn cell in our bodies needs light energy to thrive. And in case you didn’t know, sunlight is made up of colours. Without getting too technical, scientists refer to this as “the electromagnetic spectrum” and it describes the entire range of light that exists.
From radio waves to gamma rays, most of the light in our universe is actually invisible to us because it’s a wave of alternating electric and magnetic fields. Pretty crazy right?
Well I’m no scientist and I ain’t got time to research this but let’s just say that colour energy has some pretty widespread effects on both our minds and bodies.
And thankfully, our very own little Jacked on the Beanstalk podcast co-host Sarah is somewhat of an expert on this stuff seeing as she studied interior decorating in school.
According to this big nerd (who is going to love that I had Mom and Dad scan her grad pic and send to me so that I could post it on the internet) there are several potent colors worth acknowledging– the most important ones being green, yellow, orange, red, blue and violet.
There have actually been some pretty cool studies about the effects of colour on us humans. For instance apparently if you put someone prone to psychotic freak-outs in a red room, you will trigger their crazy behaviour even more. Yet if you put that same person into a blue room, chances are it will alleviate the condition. Pretty cool, eh?
Anywho, we thought it would be cool to talk about “colour therapy” on the podcast this week and put Sarah’s interior decorating knowledge to good use for once. 😉
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
-Sam Shorkey, Jacked on the Beanstalk
Really? Okay awesome! We can definitely do that. That will be an easy episode for sure. Love to hear the feedback so THANK YOU!!!
Hi Sam, A podcast for transitioning vegans would be awesome!
That’s AWESOME!! Sarah; you totally need to post one of Sam now!! have at it girl :)
OMG – I was killing myself laughing at the gym today about your pamphlet activism and giving the evil eye to that one coyote-wearing chick – loved it!!! Next time; just throw paint!! Sarah shared some cool insights on the colors too…. She bring value to the show for sure!!
And I laughed maniacally as I posted it. You’re welcome!
Hi Staci! Awww thanks so much for the kind words and I LOVE hearing from podcast listeners. And hey – we all start our journey somewhere! I myself was vegetarian for 20 years before making the full switch and even then, there were times here and there that I’d give into a dairy-filled, homemade dessert that my mom made. It happens. Just like everyone finds their own path and their own diet that works. And if I can share mine with others and give them a laugh or a helpful lesson along the way, well then, that’s a huge success in my books. Feel free to send any podcast topics our way. We should really do one for transitioning vegans. You’re not the first “experimental vegan” we’ve heard from who listens to the podcast. Anyway, keep the comments coming and thanks girl!
AAGGHH! You are such an asshole! That is literally my most hated photo.
Hi Sam, I listened to this podcast this morning on my way into work and was laying my butt off. You and Sarah are so freaking hilarious. While I am not currently vegan, I do admire you for standing strong in your beliefs. I also started listening to your podcast back in the Fall and did purchase your eBook. I have been drawn to veganism but have not yet made the switch, so with Lent starting this week that is what I plan on doing. I am hoping it will help with my endometriosis symptoms as well as my energy levels. Thanks for all of the great information!!
Haha that is such a great birthday gift idea! And hey, I’ll be selling JOTB stickers on my site real soon. I’ll have to send you one for your next birthday! Anyway, love this message and thanks for the support xo
Hi Sam; I just heard this podcast and I had to say; Stuffing anti-fur brochures in people’s jacket pockets (or wherever you can) is extremely admirable. We vegans need to educate the world. Heck, it took my daughter and I almost 4 hours at The Bay to find a winter coat without feathers in it. Personally, I stock up on Vegan Stickers whenever I shop at The Vegan Supply Co and I stick them in the most visible spots I can. In fact for my birthday last month I gave each of my 11 dinner guests a “Meat is Murder” or “Go Vegan” sticker and asked them to place it somewhere noticeable as a birthday gift for me. I’ll have to follow up with them soon. One friend said he was going to try and stick it on the glass window of the meat & Fish section at Whole Foods. Keep educating the non-vegan people Sam because nothing could make us love you more than your compassion for animals. In fact maybe you could have a podcast where you designate a day as ‘Vegan sidewalk chalk activism day’, my daughter and I do this from time to time.