Podcast #52: Beat the Bloat! My Best Tips & Tricks for Reducing Water Retention

Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I'm OBSESSED with BLOATING. (Or bloat prevention I should say.)
Hell, my most popular blog post to date is still "The Vegan Bodybuilder's Guide to Farting and Bloating." And for good reason! Not only did I put a lot of effort and research into that gem. But let's be honest-- we veegs eat a lot of fiber. And we vegan bodybuilders eat a lot of plant-based protein AND fiber. And, well, that combo is a surefire recipe for FART CITY!
Apparently I'm obsessed with farting too because we already covered a podcast about this hot & steamy topic last year.
But shockingly enough, we have yet to dedicate an entire podcast episode to my other obsession aka BLOATING.
I'm also mildly obsessed with this picture of a bloated squirrel... Right?! How cute is he??!?!
But anywho, since immersing myself in the fitness world many years ago, it's basically become my life's (self-absorbed) mission to avoid looking and feeling bloated at all costs!
And this week on the podcast, I'm sharing all of my best tips, tricks, vegan foods & herbal supplements to help you listeners lose the extra water weight and confidently rock a bikini (or speedo) on the beach this summer!
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.