Podcast #34: How to Treat an "Expectation Hangover"

Yes folks, after a solid TWO MONTH podcasting hiatus, the Shorkey sisters are b-b-b-BACK, baby!
And yup, we’re sharing WHY the two-month radio silence on this first episode back. And yes, it sure is another random episode but classic Shorkey style and one I hope you’ll enjoy. 🙂
In addition to providing a LOT of free advertising to Rainforest Butter on this episode, I’m mostly reviewing (and sharing my learnings from) my new fave “self help” book “Expectation Hangover” by Christine Hassler.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s dealing with a shitty situation and doesn’t quite know how to get over it.
Christine shares a lot of helpful tools and tactics for managing our expectations and dealing with whatever shitty situations life throws at us. In fact, I’ve now read her book THREE TIMES in the last month and admit that I’ve become a total Christine Hassler “fan girl.”
I’ve actually listened to her podcast “Over it and On With It” for years and admit that I have even listened to some episodes more than once! Now THAT is podcast fan dedication!
I wonder if any Jacked on the Beanstalk podcast subscribers have ever listened to our poop or fart episode on repeat…
Anywho, if you’re a fellow self-help podcast junkie, you too, have probably have been a fan of Christine for some time too. And if you aren’t yet subscribed to her podcast, I highly suggest you do because this woman was born to be a life coach.
But anyway, back to ME and MY podcast!
I’m honestly really happy to be back on our regular, weekly podcast schedule. And sorry for the recent disappearing act, guys. But sometimes LIFE just gets in the way and we have to prioritize accordingly. And actually DEAL with our shit so we can get back onto a clear course of action!
It’s also been pretty awesome to hear from our listeners who’ve said they missed us throughout this hiatus. **virtual hug** AWWW! We’ve missed you too!
And as you’ll learn on this week’s podcast, we recently joined Patreon.
What is Patreon, you ask?! It basically means that if you want to support us and our podcast, we’ll send you all kinds of cool JOTB gifts and goodies, ALL YEAR LONG!!!
Sounds pretty frickin’ amazing, doesn’t it? Well, what are you waiting for?! Click the link below for deets. And for real guys, we sincerely appreciate any and all support. 🙂
I also mention two of my all-time favourite guided meditations for getting over an “expectation hangover” and embracing change on this episode. They’re both by Sarah Blondin of “Live Awake” (a fellow Canadian eh?) And I honestly love ALL of her guided meditations.
But these two in particular are must-listens when a little “self love” boost is needed or giant cry fest depending on the day.
You can listen to Sarah’s “Accepting Change” meditation HERE and her “Loving and Listening to Yourself” meditation HERE.
And lastly, for anyone wanting to see the Rod Stewart video that we made with our filmmaker friend Stephen Coleman (which delayed our podcasting efforts a whole extra week), here ’tis:
It too, will no doubt, fill you with so much self-love and may even inspire tears of joy…
We personally found wearing Rod Stewart wigs to be incredibly healing and therapeutic during this challenging time of ours. 😉
Alright enough smart-assed typing, and back to more podcasting, damn it! We’ve got a lot of time to make up for! So get ready for us, vegan fit crew!
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
-Sam Shorkey, Jacked on the Beanstalk
Aww thanks lovely! We’re glad to be back too :)
Yay!!! Glad to see you two are back on the podcast and posting on your site! Looking forward to your new e-book too!