Podcast #35: How to Lose Weight Based on Your Body Type

How to LOSE WEIGHT?!?!?
Yup, I totally went with a “click-baity” podcast title this week. Did it suck you right in? Like a tractor beam? 😉
Let’s be honest, though. The topic of weight loss will ALWAYS be an attention grabber for MANY of us no matter how many #BodyPositivity chicks we follow on instagram. Why? Because we all want to look our best. And for most, that means lean and svelte.
But as we all know, in order to actually shed your excess body fat, you’re more than likely going to have to tighten up your diet.
And you’re in luck because this week on the podcast, I am telling you EXACTLY how to calculate your calories in order to lose some weight. AND I’m also going to tell you exactly how much protein, fats and carbs you should be eating based on your very own, individual body type.
Sounds great, right?
Well folks, after recording this week’s episode, I drew the conclusion that although extremely informative and useful, weight loss calculations actually make for a REALLY FUCKING BORING audio experience.
And fine. It’s no surprise that determining your macros and calories is a boring topic no matter what format it’s delivered in. And that’s also why most people would rather just hire a coach who can do all of these boring calculations for them. Then hand them a program to follow that they hopefully actually follow.
And if that person is you, I may know a guy who can help with that…
Oh hiiiiiiiiiiii, Sam Shorkey!
You like how I did that, there? Non-aggressive (and pretty cute) shameless self-promo?
But anyway, despite my cuteness, if you don’t wanna hire me and you just want to know a quick weight loss formula or two, I definitely suggest listening to this week’s podcast. And in fact, I’ll even save you from listening to the whole episode and break down some of the formulas right here in this post.
Cute AND generous **sigh** 😉
BUT I still think you should listen to the whole episode. Because we still do provide all kinds of entertaining Shorkey sister banter in our lovable Canadian voices that you shouldn’t want to miss. And I’ve been told that our voices are quite soothing for listeners whilst doing cardio or taking the “loser cruiser” ride home from work.
Fine, I made that up. No one has ever called my voice “soothing.” Ever.
But most importantly, you should listen to the whole frickin’ episode because we help you uncover which body type you are! And the calculations won’t do you much good without knowing what body type is yours! So give it a listen, will ya?!
Man, this post has turned into THE most pathetic attempt at getting podcast plays EVER! I did, however, somehow turn it into a fantastic opportunity to promote my vegan coaching services!
Here are the BARE BONES version of the “body type specific” formulas as mentioned on this week’s podcast. That’s right, I’m ONLY giving you a little taste.
Baseline Calories for Mesomorphs: your bodyweight x 15.
Baseline Calories for Ectomorphs: your bodyweight x 16.5.
Baseline Calories for Endomorphs: your bodyweight x 13.5.
Protein Intake for Mesomorphs: 1 gram of protein per lb. of bodyweight
Protein Intake for Ectomorphs: 1.4 grams of protein per lb. of bodyweight
Protein Intake for Endomorphs: 1.2 grams of protein per lb. of bodyweight
Fat Intake for Mesomorphs: 0.3 grams of fat per lb. of bodyweight
Fat Intake for Ectomorphs: 0.6 grams of fat per lb. of bodyweight
Fat Intake for Endomorphs: 0.6 grams of fat per lb. of bodyweight
You intrigued to listen to the whole podcast now? Mm-hm. I thought so.
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
-Samantha Shorkey, Jacked on the Beanstalk
I have type 2 diabetes and losing weight is crazy hard I don’t eat sugary foods or carbs and still gain weight I do some exercise but I have trouble with neuropathy and it’s very painful so no running more weight lifting and things I can do in one spot. Thinking of trying fat burn app wondering if anyone knows how it is and if it works
Endo-mesomorph sounds like me!
HAHAHAH Gostika! Forgive us. This was one of the first episodes that we tried recording at home (as opposed to in studio) and before we knew we had to frig with the tracks so they all sounded the same volume. You’re not the first to mention that about the Bif outro. Sorry to your ears though.
Bif Naked did almost deafen me at the previous episode LOL. But I wasn’t on the treadmill. And I forgive you <3
This episode was very interesting and useful btw, maths or not :)
Hey Sam! Thanks for the reply. I’ve started using protein powder, but I haven’t tried seitan yet. I will give your protein bread a try. Thanks for passing on the wisdom!
Hi Amanda! Ah yes, the #1 problem “macro tracking vegans” encounter ALL THE TIME! Unfortunately, our protein options aren’t like eggs or chicken where the macros are the same straight across the board. And most plant-based proteins do contain some amount of either fat or carbs or both. So it can be super easy to rack up those carb and fat calories when you feel like you haven’t really even eaten carbs or fat! I count beans as a protein option but I’ll usually recommend that we eat them around our training because they have a good amount of carbs in ‘em to fuel a workout nicely. I’d also suggest incorporating protein powder and seitan into the mix if you’re tracking because they help get the protein up whilst keeping fats and carbs low. Check out my protein bread recipe. It’s super popular and has been a savior to many vegan macro trackers. Hope this helps!
Hi Jackie! Yey, glad we did your podcast topic justice! And please, keep those suggestions coming!
Well you can use the percentages if you’re inputting it into MyFitnessPal yes.
Hi Sam! Thank you so much for all the great info! It’s been super useful :) My question is this: how do you balance out your protein and carbs? What I mean by that is the protein sources that are also high in carbs (i.e. lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc). Or, do you simply treat those foods are carbs and get your protein from soy-based products? I just always end up over-shooting my carbs. My meals have been a lot of dark green veggies, some kind of carb (sweet potato, quinoa, or brown rice), baked tofu for protein, and 1/4 avocado for fat. But perhaps as vegans we just can’t always keep our protein and carbs seperate? Thanks!
This was such a great episode. Thank you for taking the time to make it. I noticed there isn’t a lot of information out there when it comes to what to eat and how to train based on your body type. I think I am a mesomorph/endomorph. I can lose weight easily without working out, in fact I lost my first 60 pounds on diet alone. I may be a little bit nerdy to all these details but this podcast was very informative lol.
Ok, so use percentages you talked about, rather than the multipliers listed at the end of the summary above. I can do that, thanks!
Hi Karen! Yes, you deduct 600 calories from your baseline (maintenance) calories and that equals the deficit number of calories you’ll be eating everyday in order to lose weight. Then you are basing your protein and fat intake on that deficit number. As for the reason for protein increase, you’re upping your protein but with that comes lessening your carbs and fat. Make sense?
I’m always a little confused when I see these calculations. If I take my weight and do the multiplier, but then subtract 600 calories for weight loss. Do I need to base my protein and fat intake multipliers on the weight I am now? Or the weight I want to be? Why would I want 1.2 grams of protein per current pound of bodyweight, if I want to lose body fat? Thanks in advance for any clarification!
Yeah unfortunately vegan keto is super hard. I’ve tried it before and was basically surviving on protein powder, seitan, vegetables and a little tempeh and tofu. It can be done but it’s not very fun. But it makes me think I should do a “Week of Vegan Keto” post. I have the “Vegan Keto” eBook that is available online somewhere but it’s basically ALL fat, not much protein. And I’m pretty sure if I followed the suggested meal plan in there, I’d GAIN a lot of extra body fat so I don’t recommend it. Anyway, glad you liked the episode!!
Based on this awesome episode, my endomorph body should eat almost no carbs to lose weight. This sounds a lot like a keto diet, which I have been thinking about trying. Any resources you can recommend for learning more about a vegan keto diet?
Another fave is my homie Anastasia’s “Gainz Rolls:” https://macrosorcery.wordpress.com/2016/02/03/apple-pear-gains-rolls/ And I just discovered the awesome macros and taste of Tofurkey’s deli slices. Lots of options out there but definitely try to incorporate some protein into every meal. Good luck with it!!