Podcast #40: Do as we Say. NOT as we DO.

ALL THE TIME, soon-to-be traveling clients ask me for tips on how they can stay on track with their vegan diet and exercise plans whilst they're maxin' & relaxin' in vacay mode.
And so, for months I had been planning to record a YouTube video documenting how I personally stay on track whilst vacationing. And the destination for this fine display of coaching was set to occur at a quaint, little cottage on Lac Sinclair in Quebec where the entire Shorkey family would reside for seven days.
I had even asked the good people at Herbaland to send over a box of their protein gummies so I could recommend them as a great vegan travel snack.
But alas, all of my preparation and week of pre-cooked meals suddenly looked like shit as soon as Mom broke out the homemade pies.
Long story short, we failed miserably. The video definitely didn't happen. And literally EVERYTHING we mentioned in last week's "Motivation Podcast" went straight out the window as we fully embraced that good ol' "When in Rome" attitude combined with the classic "All or Nothing" mentality.
Nevertheless, honesty and transparency will always be our #1 priority at Jacked on the Beanstalk. So we thought it only necessary that we record a quick recap of just how badly we suck at taking our own advice sometimes.
On a positive note, we also mentioned how excited we are about the new & improved JOTB website (which you are reading via at this very second.) And with the new website comes all kinds of new JOTB food products. So be sure to check 'em out!
And as mentioned on this podcast episode, if you're wondering what YOUR food cravings reveal about YOUR emotions, HERE is where you can find out.
And lastly, in case anyone wants to hear The Barenaked Ladies (we sure don't)... The song quoted by our iTunes reviewer is this piece of crap:
**Shudders** Sorry to anyone who had to listen to that. And what is wrong with anyone who actually likes it?!
Anyway, it's a short podcast episode this week because we're obviously not providing anything useful whatsoever. Take it or leave it folks but here 'tis!
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
- Sam Shorkey, Jacked on the Beanstalk