Podcast #3: My Half-Assed Attempt at "Minimalism"

Today’s podcast episode ended up being our most fun, fave episode thus far. I suppose that’s not saying much seeing as we’re only recorded three episodes but nevertheless, we had a lot of fun recording this one. And apparently we have a lot to say on “minimalism” despite us not actually being “minimalists.”
I’m actually a wannabe minimalist. And I really like some of the PRINCIPALS behind it. I was originally attracted to it via The Minimalists’ podcast who define it as a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favour of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.
The Minimalists believe that buying less and experiencing more can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear, worry, guilt and overwhelm. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Minimalists are all about removing what isn’t adding value to your life and making room for the stuff that does add value.
Pretty cool, right? And well, I was digging their style so I tried it for myself. And today on the podcast, I’m sharing my own experience as a half-assed minimalist and easy ways that you can apply their practices to your own life.
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
LOL, Sam and Sarah! I am really enjoying your podcast. I love the sisterly banter/abuse.
[…] stuff like healing crystals. Although I, Sam, like to think I’m into it — much like my “minimalism” practices. […]
Just keepin’ it real! Glad you’re diggin’ our randomness. And thanks for the support as always xo
[…] people in my life and deciding who to keep and who to pitch. It sounds harsh but like I said on our podcast episode all about minimalism, anyone who isn’t adding VALUE to my life definitely doesn’t deserve a guest star role […]