Podcast #13: Goal Setting & the Dangers of Having "Body Goals"

We’re pretty damn excited to be tackling one of the podcast topic suggestions that came to us via the Jacked on the Beanstalk facebook fan page this week!
And this is one that I’m particularly excited about because I often talk about the dangers of goal setting (and more specifically BODY GOALS) with my vegan coaching clients.
In this episode, we discuss the pros and cons of writing “to do lists” (which Sarah is a big fan of.) But both me and my celebrity crush/motivational speaker Tony Robbins are not, however, advocates of to-do lists because we find that it becomes far too easy to get overwhelmed by what ISN’T getting crossed off the list vs. all of the things that we ARE actually accomplishing.
We also delve into why I think Tony Robbins is sooooooo damn sexy! Anyone else agree?!
Mmmmmm this picture alone makes me want to run and jump into his big, open, arms sooooo badly!!
Gahhhh… can I get some of that water thrown onto me too?! It’s gettin’ HOT in here!!
Anyway, back to the podcast…
Yes, vegan fit crew, on this “goal setting” episode of the Jacked on the Beanstalk Podcast, we mostly focus on why having “body goals” is a trap because they make us believe that we’re this never-ending self-improvement project.
And I even share an excerpt from one of my all-time favourite personal development authors Mark Manson on the trap of setting goals.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to post a picture of my second favourite Star Wars character of all time: Admiral Ackbar with this many mentions of the word “trap.” 🙂
Anyway, I think this is a great episode for any of my vegan fitness peeps who are struggling with body image or low self-esteem or anyone stuck in a rut with their own fitness “goals” or anyone who’s obsessed with looking a certain way or reaching a certain weight, believing that ONCE they lose XX lbs, THEN they’ll FINALLY feel sexy and confident.
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
-Sam Shorkey, Jacked on the Beanstalk
YEY!! I love how many girls have reached out saying this was a particularly touching episode. Thanks for the feedback and kind words (even if you’re not on Team Tony.) ;)
wow Sam I really like this episode a lot! All of them are great, but this one is THE Best :D I was kinda stuck on those thoughts for a couple of weeks and you definately helped me to come to a conclusion. I always smile or laught when you both talk and this time I sang with you at the end! great song! I dont like Tony Robbins – its too much for me, but you can have him all to yourself :D :D :D :D :* keep it up coach you are killing it!