Podcast #23: The Vegan Comedy Episode Brought to you by PetLegz.com

I’ll be the first to admit that this week’s podcast is perhaps our most random episode yet.
Why you ask? Because we keep receiving so much love and praise from our lovely listeners about how funny we apparently are. ***blushes***
Actually, why am I even pretending to be modest?! Obviously I know how incredibly witty and hilarious I am. 😉
But ANYWAY, we thought it only appropriate to record an entire podcast episode all about our weird and obscure sense of humour and how we’re always able to find the humour in whatever shitty situation life throws at us.
We’re even performing some epic stand-up comedy and discussing all kinds of random topics from stealing rabbits to faking orgasms.
PLUS we’ve got California-based vegan comedian Matthew Piccione getting in on the action as we share our thoughts on when “vegan jokes” go too far.
I’m also stoked to announce that this episode is sponsored by PetLegz.com – THE coolest gift idea EVER for all you fur parents who want to rock your pet’s face on a custom pair of leggings or a t-shirt. Seriously, check the ones they made for me featuring Dwight. <3
And if you want a pair of your own, be sure to enter the discount code JACKED at checkout to save 15%.
Yep, it’s a random episode indeed. But you know you wanna listen. 🙂
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
-Sam Shorkey, Jacked on the Beanstalk
Aww thank you soooooo much, Carrie! That’s honestly sooooooo awesome to hear!! I too, partake in podcast binges whilst meal prepping so it’s very cool to hear that other vegans are doing the same but listening to MY podcast – WOOP WOOP! Sincerely appreciate the kind words and good luck with it! Please don’t be a stranger and feel free to send some podcast topic ideas my way at any time!
Hi Sam! Just wanted to say I have your e-book, it was one of my first purchases. Love your work and your message. I was listening to your podcast today while prep cooking for the week. You and your sister are great! I can relate to so many things you guys discuss. I sing along too! :) This week my goal is to keep focused on getting back into my routine and see how my body feels. Thanks for all your inspiration.
-WTF Sam!; way to throw Sarah under the bus with respect to hitting the rabbit! Nothing like reminding your sister of tragic life events; who does that??? LOL!! You then threatened to fire her even making a point saying it was “right before Christmas” – lmao. -Who sends a photo of a burger and say jealous? Unless it was a Beyond burger the guy is a twit. lol – right, try asking somebody if their “O” was a fake one? it took me all weekend one to talk myself out of that hole, ;)
Hahaha that’s why I just don’t bother faking it. People need to know whether they succeeded or failed. And that goes for anything in life, no?! Besides there are plenty of tools out there to help us in succeeding. Again this can be applied to anything ;)