Podcast #32: Feeling the Pressure to be “Fit"

We’ve all heard the saying “our bodies are a temple.”
Yet as much as we want this saying to be true, it certainly doesn’t always look or feel like it.
And regardless of how we look and feel, we need to face the fact that we only have one body. And we’re in this “Earth Suit” for as long as we’re living on this planet. And so, our bodies really ARE a temple and damn rights, they deserve all the love and care we can give ’em!
So we try really hard to meditate and practice “self-love” and “gratitude” and do our best to be kind and loving to ourselves. Until we log onto instagram and are bombarded with images of “perfect” looking fitness models and celebrities.
And then we compare ourselves to them and find ourselves right back into the illusion of our own insignificance.
I experience this ALL THE TIME no thanks to the fact that I WORK in the fitness industry. The pressure to be fit is real. Because after all, why would anyone want to hire an overweight or unfit trainer, right?!
Yes, this week on the podcast we’re discussing what IS and ISN’T important when it comes to choosing the right trainer or vegan nutrition coach. And we want to hear from you, podcast listeners! Would YOU hire an “unfit” trainer?
We also share some pretty sad (and scary) statistics from GirlGuiding UK about the societal pressures girls as young as SEVEN feel to look pretty and “perfect.”
And I read some powerful excerpts from one of my most popular blog posts of all time: “The Unhealthy Pursuit of Perfection” and another fave of mine that I read on DoYou.com called “Dear Body, A Love Letter.”
Yes, it’s another touchy-feely “personal development” podcast Shorkey style of course. And I know you guys eat this shit up as much as I do. So give it a listen. And remember: when we can treat ourselves (and our bodies) as we would a family member or close friend, it’s pretty hard to stay in a negative, self-hate mindset.
And ultimately, whether we’re an obese trainer or a skinny chef, we are all equally worthy of being here on this planet and living it as happily and healthfully as we can. 🙂
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
-Sam Shorkey, Jacked on the Beanstalk
Thank you sooooooo much! Seriously made my day to read your comment and sincerely appreciate all the love and support. xo
I just love listening to you and Sarah talk, I feel like a friend just listening to two other friends talk. Great topic for all us girls out there that feel the need to be something because society says so and Love your rawness about your own personal struggles. Keep doing what you guys are doing!!!