Podcast #45: How to Avoid Holiday Food Binges and Unwanted Winter Weight Gain

I've been wanting to record a podcast all about binge eating for a while! And what better time of year to make it finally happen than Christmas of course?!
Do I have any personal experience with binge eating? You bet your ass I do!
In fact, I wrote an entire blog post all about my "weekly cheat meals" (classic binge behaviour) during my years as a vegan bikini competitor. You can read all about it HERE.
But of course, just because most of us like to indulge a little (okay, a LOT) throughout the holiday season, does that make us full-blown "binge eaters?"
Hell no. And why not? Because unfortunately, for most of us, it's a simple collective consciousness that when a group of people come together this time of year, there will be copious amounts of food and drink all around. And by God, you will eat and drink it.
As I like to say, just as misery loves company, so does indulgence.
And you don't need to feel guilty about it either. You're human! So instead of trying to convince you to bring your own Tupperware filled with baked tofu and steamed asparagus to every holiday party, instead we're sharing our top 10 tips for going into full-on binge mode and more importantly, avoiding unwanted winter weight gain.
For anyone looking for that quick & dirty, at-home plyometrics workout routine I suggest doing on Christmas morning, here 'tis. No excuses for not getting in SOME physical activity before your holiday hog-fest even if the gym is closed!
Your ass will be on fire, baby! FIRE!!!
I also mentioned on this episode that I would link up some of my staple "meatless meathead" recipes that I like to bring to whatever holiday shin-dig I'm attending.
For instance, my "Gingerbread Protein Balls" are high-protein, easy-to-make and taste just like gingerbread cookie dough.
I'm also a big fan of this "Lentil Loaf with Cranberry Glaze" if your host won't mind you bringing a giant-sized, main dish to their dinner. This thing is jam-packed with all kinds of vegan goodness from lentils and brown rice to oats and walnuts.
I also promised to share my fave "Vegg-Nog" recipe. This one is dedicated to all the new vegans out there who forever rang in the holiday season via drinking several cartons of thick and creamy, delicious eggnog. I too, celebrated alongside you for many, many vegetarian Christmas', my friends. And now, we may cheers a glass of this easy yet delightful vegan version together. Here 'tis:
Sam Shorkey's Holiday Vegg-Nog
1 cup soaked cashews
1 cup soaked dates in 1 cup water
1 cup almond milk
1 Tbsp. maple syrup
1 tsp. ground nutmeg (plus more to garnish)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Pinch of sea salt
Pour all ingredients into a blender (including the water you soaked the dates in) and blend until smooth and frothy. Chill.
When ready to serve, place back into blender to allow more frothing because mixture will separate. Pour into a mug and garnish with fresh grated nutmeg.
Alright I think I've made these show notes long enough! Link up the damn podcast already, Shorkey!
In all seriousness, you really should listen to this episode just for the fact that we wrote our own lyrics and sang our very own rendition of "Carol of the Bells." That's our thoughtful, virtual Christmas present to you.
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
Happy holidays, vegan fit crew!
Love, Sam