Podcast #5: Mother's Day Special: An Interview with My Own Mom

In celebration of Mother’s Day, we thought we’d share a little interview with our own mother: Nora Shorkey.
For this “special” podcast episode, we ask our mom to discuss what it was like raising two young (then) vegetarian daughters and why she always seemed so confident in herself and her body (at least to us anyway.)
But mostly, we wanted to record this episode for selfish reasons and the whole damn interview pretty much just entails us making fun of each other and not sharing any valuable, insightful information whatsoever.
That being said, if you DO want to hear a really cool story about my growing up and how my mom inspired me to become the vegan activist and health freak that I am today, you should definitely read the story I had featured in Vegan Health and Fitness Magazine called “Growing Up Shorkey.” Here’s the link to that story if you’re interested.
Hope everyone has a Happy Mother’s Day and we never forget that ALL mothers deserve our love and respect and ALL mothers deserve to be with their babies (fur and feather bearing moms included.) 🙂
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
Aww glad you liked it, Vicki! And my mom will be so happy to read your comment. She always asks what people thought of the “Mother’s Day” episode :)
This episode was so cute. It was nice to meet another Shorkey.