Podcast #77: Quick and Easy, High Protein Vegan Meal Prep Ideas

One of my catch phrases I'm forever repeating to clients is that “if this shit were easy, we'd all be walking around looking like a fitness model.” And I'm the first to admit that mastering this whole diet and exercise thang is hard ass work!
But the truth is, in order to see the most success with your vegan bodybuilding efforts, you’re going to have to be consistent and disciplined with your nutrition even more so than your training. But that doesn't mean you have to be slaving away in the kitchen for hours multiple times per week.
Yes, this podcast is dedicated to all of you clients who are forever saying "but I don’t have time to cook or prep food." And that’s why they ordered take-out or stopped following their vegan meal plan. And I get it. We’re all busy. But we ALL have the same 24 hours each and every day to choose how we want to spend our time. And how we spend our time is how we define our priorities. So if you’re using the “I don’t have time to meal prep” excuse, what you really should be saying is that you’re not willing to make the time for your nutrition to be a priority.
And thankfully, on the latest episode of the Jacked on the Beanstalk Podcast, we're sharing tons of quick and easy, high protein, vegan meal ideas to make your vegan bodybuilding meal prep as painless as possible. Which means you will have plenty of time to do more benching, squatting and of course, flexing in front of every mirror you pass.
I'll include the link to hear the whole episode below. But if you're reading this post because you've already listened and you're now here, looking for some of those awesome recipes mentioned on the episode, look no further.
Here they are:
Phil's Baked Tofu Scramble
Overnight Oats
Crustless Vegan Quiche with Tempeh Bacon
Protein Pancakes
And without further ado, onto the episode!
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple or HERE for Spotify.
1 comment
I can’t even tell you ladies how much you just made my day! Honestly, I thought you weren’t going to do this episode! Thank you so much for podcast #77! I feel like I am famous now!! I love that you gave me a shout-out and I really love your ideas for fast & dirty meal preps! If you need me, I’ll be busy making beans & dogs. Haha! I also really love your tofu jerky from your website! I make it at least once a month, if not more. I’m not a fan of sriracha though, so I usually use Frank’s hot sauce instead. I also make your protein pancakes from your book a lot. I make a big batch and freeze them. I’m not a huge fan of veggie meat substitutes… but I’m also busy and a lazy cook. So sometimes I’ll take a bag of boca crumbles and cook it with taco seasoning and a bunch of spinach. Makes for an easy meal. I’m also going to see if I can try making the tofu bake you guys mentioned. If only drinking coffee would build my muscles instead of protein…I’d look like Popeye by now!
Anyway, sorry for the rambling review. You really did make my day! I just finished a busy shift in the ER. People always think its life and death there. Sometimes it is. More often its like this: ambulance brings in drunk guy wearing nothing but his birthday suit and the blanket they made him cover up with. Then he proceeds to yell at us because he believed that we stole his underwear. Yes, our goal in life is to steal some drunk guy’s dirty underwear.
If you made it to the end of this rambling review, thank you! I’ll have to re-listen to your meal prep advice again when I’m not feeling like a zombie! 😊