Episode #66: Travel Tips for Vegan Bodybuilders

Well we’ve been talking about doing a travel episode for a while now!
And "how to stay on track with food and exercise whilst traveling" is a question I get asked A LOT as a vegan bodybuilding coach.
So when the whole Shorkey family started planning a good ol' family trip to Mexico happening in March 2020, we figured what better time to finally get this episode out!?
That is until Covid-19 decided to screw us all over...
Yes, Coronavirus aka the worldwide apocalypse that hit North America the very same week we were ready to get on that plane totally kyboshed our plans to leave the God-forsaken Canadian cold for sandy Mexican beaches. **sigh**
So, what was once a perfectly-timed episode fast became a TERRIBLY timed episode.
Nevertheless, one day we’re hoping that the world WILL return to "normal" and we can all safely travel again (and actually make use of those travel vouchers we were given instead of a refund...)
And when THAT finally happens, this episode will provide you with all kinds of good informational nuggets we hope you and your vacay will benefit from.
On this "travel tips" episode, we're covering:
- How to make sure you’re getting enough protein. Wait until you hear about Mori-Nu’s miracle tofu (and the science behind it).
- What snacks to pack such as Macro Sorcery's Gainz Rolls
- And how to avoid the temptation of alcohol. (Check out the whole episode we did on the effects of booze HERE.)
And even if you're not leaving your home any time soon, you can at least enjoy our rendition of Guns N Roses. ;)
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.