Back from Texas a Vegan WNBF Bikini Pro

Well I sure am glad I wrote that last “RA-RA, in it to win it” post before I made my way to Austin, Texas for the Naturally Fit Super Show with Team PlantBuilt.
I love that I was able to share the difference I felt this last competition prep vs. the one before it. And by that I mean, knowing I was ready vs. oh God, I’m soooo not ready.
As I had mentioned in that last post before I headed yonder to meet my vegan team, get practically naked with them on stage then eat Texas VEGAN barbecue like kings, there really is nothing more rewarding than knowing that you gave a challenge EVERYTHING you had.
What clicked this time ’round was removing myself from my “usual self” completely. Instead of bitching and complaining about everything I couldn’t do or have, I relished in the fact that I only had ____ more days to do anything and everything I could to come out on top.
And rather than making fun of the “interesting” personalities & culture that comes with competitive bodybuilding, I became the biggest meathead of all. I surrounded myself with others who lived & breathed it. I read & I researched. I tried new methods and tested my body’s limits. I listened to my body. I practiced posing religiously in my apartment building’s gym–EVERYDAY in front of the creepy roofers who everyday made me feel slightly dirty (even if the exhibitionist inside of me secretly loved it.) 😉
But most importantly, I removed every possible “outside negative influence” and surrounded myself with only the people and things that could help me stay in the right mindset to stick it out and hopefully win. I spent A LOT of time alone and on facebook. I slept a lot. I was high on asparagus and three to four cups of black coffee and I was in the gym, lifting as heavy as humanly possible to the point that I sometimes thought my knees would snap.
Hell, I even suffered a mild shoulder dislocation doing incline chest presses two weeks out from the show (talk about body needing a rest!) It didn’t matter though because it was all mental at that point and this prep, I PUSHED myself to do every single thing necessary, every damn day.
And you know what? I fuckin’ did it. Samantha “Jacked on the Beanstalk” Shorkey: First Place – Bikini Tall. Overall Bikini Winner and the first-ever VEGAN WNBF bikini pro!!!!!!
Go figure the smell of victory (much like defeat) still smells like B.O! Peep my green armpits! And you know what else? This was the first competition where I did my OWN hair, makeup AND tan. BOO-YAH. KILLLLLLLED IT!
And now, I take a loooooooooooonnnnngggggggg break from bikini competing.
Unlike many competitors who get depressed and feel lost after a competition, I am loving every minute of it! It’s crazy how much better I FEEL to have put on a little weight and added fats back into my diet. Screw binging on cakes & cookies! I’m just happy to have oats and fruit back in my life!
I’ve decided my next post will be all about finding balance post-competition. I cannot even begin to describe how good it feels to not be working out twice a day and running on fumes 24/7. “Post comp” after Texas seemed so far away for so long and I am so happy to finally be here. Is it because I got my pro card? Uh yeah, obviously that helps 🙂 but I’ve just been so much more in tune with my mental state having learned a big lesson last year and always being aware that the “evil” side of competing is forever lurking inside the peanut butter jar.
A few people have actually approached me about writing a “real & funny” expose piece on the “dark side” of competitive bodybuilding I sometimes mention. Though I do plan to always share my honest thoughts & feedback on everything (we all know I have no filter) but rather, I’m thinking about writing a stand-up act instead and hitting up a comedy club’s amateur night to do a little, vegan bodybuilding “schtick.” Haha, we shall see…
Lastly, I’m going to start featuring different “Team PlantBuilt & Friends” interviews and stories on my blog soon. It was so cool hanging with so many inspiring vegan athletes and I want everyone who comes to my blog to know how wicked they are too!
So stay tuned, friends. The “Jacked on the Beanstalk” adventures are only just beginning. And now that my brain is no longer in a zombie-like state, I’m more fired up than ever to let my creative juices flow. But for now, this beeyatch is off to Squamish Music Festival for some long-awaited, well-deserved, wild & crazy GOOD times.
– Sam