The Mother Load of All Freebies: Vegan Snacks Review

Who doesn’t love freebies? Especially vegan freebies! I’m not gonna lie– it’s definitely one of the perks of being a vegan blogger.
Being in the vegan fitness space, however, most of the time, my freebies are either protein powder or supplements but every now and again, I get other cool stuff too. And regardless of what the freebies are, I always try to provide a brutally honest review of ’em. So today, in true Sam Shorkey style, I’m sharing a most entertaining tale of my latest score!
About a month ago, I got an email from local Vancouver food broker Jordan Rogers wanting me to try out some vegan goodies. He told me some of the products needed to be refrigerated so preferred to deliver them to me in person. No offense to Jordan, but I was totally suspicious that he was going to try to recruit me into some weird, vegan multilevel marketing pyramid scheme. But thankfully, that was not the case. 🙂
It was pouring rain the day we planned to meet up and quite frankly, I was so busy with my cowboy in town for the weekend that I really had zero interest in venturing outside for a couple of vegan treats. Luckily Jordan volunteered to drop them off at my apartment and THANK GOD he did because my assumed “couple of treats” turned out to be a couple of GIANT BOXES!
Check out this haul!
I really don’t eat a lot of processed foods so I was excited to see so many raw snack foods from the good people at “Wonderfully Raw.” And we all know what a brutal sweet tooth I have so hands down, my favourite of all the goodies were the Coco-Roons. Mmmm so many coconut treats in so many flavours… The name and appearance of their “Snip Chips” will also forever hold a place in my heart. 😉
I quite enjoyed all of the hand-delivered vegan goodies which included everything from raw cheese sauce to Caesar dressing. But my favourite part of this entire freebie fiasco was definitely the practical joke I played on my friends using the 12 bags of “Cheeky Monkey” peanut butter puffs.
Like most bikini competitors, I am an admitted peanut butter addict. Yet even for this nut butter hog in the off-season, there is no way in Hell I can eat 12 bags of PB puffs.
Well, it just so happened that I was meeting a group of friends for dinner that night. And being the true smart-ass that I am, I thought it would be funny to pretend that I invented “Cheeky Monkey” and the real reason for dinner was actually to share this new creation with my loved ones. I know, I’m a dork. But they all fell for it and it was pretty hilarious and yet incredibly sweet to see how supportive my friends are of my completely made-up successes.
As you can see, they were quite the hit (even if I had absolutely nothing to do with their inception.) I guess the prank would make me a bit of a “cheeky monkey” myself, eh? Did I really just make that joke? Yes, yes I did.
Anywho, I’m really not sure if this post constitutes as an actual “review” of anything so my sincerest apologies if you’ve read this whole thing only to have gotten nothing out of it.
Either way, it doesn’t really matter because I sure did get a lot of damn good snacking out of it. And that, my vegan friends, is what truly matters most. 😉
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[…] Sam Shorkey is jacked! At first glance you may think, “She must eat a lot of protein to maintain such ripped physique”? Your right, she does eat a lot of protein, but not the traditional kind that you might assume. Sam is a Vegan body builder, so she fuels her workouts with plant based proteins. Sam recently had the chance to take some of our plant based products for a test drive. See Sam’s review here […]