Tiffany Burich's Famous Seitan "Muffins"

As many of you know, I depend heavily on soy and protein powders as my main sources of vegan protein. And as we all know, they sure aren’t cheap when I’m prepping for a competition! So when I traveled to Texas last July to compete with the other members of my PlantBuilt team, I was really curious to know what they relied on for plant-based protein.
To my surprise, many of them were consuming seitan on the daily aka vital wheat gluten.
Tiffany Burich in particular (a figure competitor and competition coach to other PlantBuilt members) is a HUGE seitan worshiper 😉
And after I saw her massive pipes and eerily similar resemblance to Thor Girl, I knew she had to be doing something right and I wanted in on the (super hero) action too!
Tiffany was nice enough to share her famous “seitan muffin” recipe with me. And now I’m passing it off onto the rest of the vegan bodybuilding world!
What’s especially great about these so-called “muffins” is that they taste like a sweet bread aka carb-a-licious but are actually PURE muscle-building PROTEIN! That’s also why we’re going to forgive them for looking like giant turds…
I find myself making these when I’m traveling or needing something quick and easy that doesn’t require any cooking, prep or refrigeration.
Tiffany Burich’s Seitan Protein “Muffins”
3 cups Vital Wheat Gluten
1/2 cup cinnamon
10 packets of stevia
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
2 cups water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Mix dry ingredients together before adding in the liquids, then mash/work dough for one minute.
**Optional Ingredients: Add a small, super ripe banana at this point if you wish. Or try throwing in some carob chips, unsweetened coconut, canned pumpkin. Whatever suits your fancy!**
Roll into balls & lay onto cookie sheet. Cook uncovered for 35 – 45 minutes until muffins have puffed up into giant shit bricks. Mmmmmmmmm enjoy!
For more Vegan Thor Girl, be sure to follow Tiffany at @noexcusestrainer on Instagram and @TBurich on Twitter!
How many grams or measurement are in a packet of stevia? I have a bulk bag of it and have never seen packets. I would love to try this. Thank you!
Thanks do you have the macros for this? Calorie info etc?
Haha oh yes! We competitors put that shit on everything ;) You could put less and they’d still taste good. You could season it with ginger or cloves or pumpkin pie spice as well. Personally I love as much cinnamon as possible.
Thanks for sharing :) by the way, is that really 1/2 CUP of cinnamon?
Made it last night. I absolutely love it. I can’t wait to add the extras that were listed in the Plant Built cookbook.
HAHAHAHA yeah I would think you at least need some Braggs in there to add some kind of saltiness. But I’d still choose sweet seitan over savory ANY DAY!!
My boyfriend just made the worst sodium-free seitan ever for peak week. I just remembered this recipe now. I’ll have to try it!
Yes! Here ya go, Shannon! 5oz = 150 cals, 1.5g fat, 4g CHO, 25g protein
Hey Sam! I’ve read your blog a few times before, but never commented. Thanks for the recipe share! I just started a new vegan meal and fitness plan to potentially do my first show in May 2015. I love seeing recipe shares like this! The plan I’m on now is actually high carb and doesn’t focus too much on protein, but it’s so great to see people competing as vegans. If you get the chance, check out my blog – always great to stay in touch with and inspire each other on this journey :)
Hi Annie!! Wow, I can’t imagine prepping on a high carb diet. I’m so used to copious amounts of protein when I’m competing but interested to see how you do!! Good luck! I just followed you on Twitter and will hit you up on Instagram too. Thanks for the love. Always happy to support my fellow vegan fitness peeps. PS great recipes on your blog!!!
Hi Sam, Love reading your blog, and a big thanks for sharing what you have learned on this vegan journey. I found a savory recipe for homemade seitan, it tastes yummy, and is quick to make. It also freezes well when sliced into 1/4" pieces. The website link: (fresh homemade seitan). I hope you can adapt it to work for your nutrition needs as you prepare for another competition. Good luck to Sam!
Haven’t made them in a while but from what I recall, it makes about 12 – 15 “pleather muffins” and one serving to me would be about two of ’em. Hope this helps :)
How many servings is this recipe
[…] posted a few SWEET seitan recipes in the past– aka these chocolate protein pucks and these pleather […]