The Ultimate Walnut Crushing Glutes Workout

The Ultimate Walnut Crushing Glutes Workout

It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of my favourite workouts, hasn’t it? And well, a recent discussion in the “Vegan Ladies Who Lift” facebook group prompted me to share a seriously KILLER ass workout that will be felt the next day fo’ sho’!

I often joke about crushing walnuts between my cheeks. Surprisingly enough, I’ve yet to attempt the actual “crushing” of walnuts between my well-trained gluteal parts but I’m pretty sure considering the amount of squats, lunges & deadlifts I do, this feat is possible. That is, however, a completely separate YouTube video in itself.

For now, I’m only going to share the exercises that will prep your fine arse for a magical walnut crushing act of its own (or at least help it to grow higher, tighter & firmer than all the butts in all the lands.)

So without further ado…

Sam Shorkey’s “Walnut Crushing” Ass Workout

Do 4 sets of 10 – 12 reps for each exercise and try doing this workout twice per week.

Lying Leg Curl
– Start with a light warmup set then do 4 drop sets meaning your first set is the heaviest and your last set is the lightest.
– Keep your hips off the bench when doing these and really squeeze your hamstrings.

Wide Leg Squats Super-set with Feet Together Squats (both on Smith Machine)
– Keep the weight light because you’re super setting and instead, focus on good form.
– Your first set can be no weight but make sure you’re going all the way down to the floor. I refuse to instruct with the term “ass to grass.”
– Super set means there is no break between wide stance and feet together stance.
– Try to increase the weight with each set.
– Use a barbell once you’re comfortable with Smith Machine squats.

Leg Extensions
– Go heavy and flex your feet/quads throughout entire movement.
– Really control the motion i.e. avoid letting the weight drop at the bottom and hold for a second when your legs are straight, at the top of the motion.

Leg Press: Wide Leg Stance Super-set with Feet Together Stance
– Much like the above squat variations, one set on the leg press will entail 10 – 12 reps with your feet high and wide then 10 – 12 reps with feet together, in the center of the leg press.
– Try to increase the weight with each set.

Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
– Go slowly and really stretch out your hamstrings on these.
– Bend your knees slightly at the bottom to avoid injury but keep legs straight for the most part.

Glute Bridges
– Really squeeze your ass and go slow on these. Hold for two seconds at the top.
– Yes these look super dirty but are a great “finisher” to a tough ass workout.

You’re done! Time to make your way over to the bulk nut section at Whole Foods 😉

– Sam

sam shorkey walnut crusher glutes ass workout

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1 comment

  • Elizabeth : August 29, 2021

    Hi Sam,
    Thank you for your honest, down to earth approach and willingness to share knowledge!
    What exercises do you recommend to not only strengthen and build the glutes and core, but to especially lift and strengthen the deepest core and abdominal muscles that stretched and strained during pregnancy, which is also so hard on the lower back!
    Working from an activeand dynamic, perspective, you’ll have insight that will help all the mamas out there!

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