The Vegan and the Cowboy?

My blog traffic reports sure do fascinate me! I’m always so incredibly touched and flattered to see that my most popular posts are always the ones I just randomly write– nothing of particular value or knowledge necessarily– just my totally random (sometimes weird or crude) thoughts and experiences.
It’s funny too, because I often question the relevance or usefulness of my posts before I publish them, wondering if people really give two craps about this lil’ vegan life of mine. Then for whatever reason, you guys eat it RIGHT UP! For this, I thought I’d let you in on the latest random adventure of mine; this time surrounding my “love life.”
Remember last month when I traveled to Austin, Texas to compete at the Naturally Fit Super Show with the PlantBuilt team? The very same show I won my WNBF bikini pro card? 😉
Well… in the midst of that whole, amazing team experience, there was a “behind the scenes” love story unfolding… Alright no, not at all actually. But I was, however, a total creeper!
You see in addition to the bodybuilding, crossfit, powerlifting and other competitive events happening at the NF Games on July 26th, 2014, there were “model search” competitions. In fact, PlantBuilt’s very own Mindy Collette competed in one of them as well as our lovely “Transformation” competitor Elana Priesman.
There was literally sooo much going on that day and let me tell you ladies, it was BABE CENTRAL in there! Between running back and forth to the bodybuilding stage, waiting for my own stage time, I’d sometimes gander over at the “model stage” and scope out the half-naked hotties competing.
At pre-judging, I happened to witness the “fit & inked” male model category and couldn’t help but notice (okay, scream & whistle at/make inappropriate comments to Christy Morgan about) competitor #174: the shredded, Portuguese stud with the red shorts and hot tattoos.
Oh, hey there…
And that was all. When I returned for the awards show later that evening though, it just so happened they were announcing the “fit & inked” results. Obviously my heartthrob #174 won first place 🙂
Now here’s where it gets cute (or creepy) depending on how you look at it…
When I got back home to Canada, I received an email from the NF Games stating the competition results had been posted. Naturally, I wanted to make sure it had my name next to the “Bikini Overall” title, but I also couldn’t help but notice the “Fit & Inked” winner’s name aka “James Pacheco.”
Alright I admit that I totally inter-stalked him… I went on Facebook, searched “James Pacheco Austin Texas” and low and behold, there he was. Without any hesitation, I sent him a “friend” request. And almost instantaneously, he accepted.
“Hi James. I just wanted to say that I’m totally a creeper from the NF games and purely added you ‘cuz you’re a hottie. Congrats on winning first. I so called that. Anyway, if i lived in Texas, I’d be sniffing and circling around you for sure. That is all. And nice to inter-meet you.”
And that was that. How smooth am I? Seriously, do I have inter-game or what?! I must have something going on because not only have we been skyping for hours ever since, but he’s visiting me in Vancouver TOMORROW!
Am I crazy? Perhaps. But you know what? Sporadic and random is how I roll. Life is all about taking chances! And if nothing else, surely it makes for a great “to be continued” update post?
So on that note, wish me luck! Time to wow this boy with all my vegan bodybuilding treats 😉
Until Part II, vegan homies!
– Sam “Jacked on the Beanstalk” Shorkey