Podcast #7: Creating Good Habits and a Solid Morning Routine

One of the best mottos I ever heard was that “habits put willpower on auto-pilot” and I couldn’t agree more.
In fact, I’m the first to preach that a solid morning routine not only sets the tone for how your entire day will go but essentially, how your entire LIFE will go too!
So today on the podcast, I thought we’d share some of our best (and worst) daily habits and discuss the importance of implementing a solid morning routine into your life for optimal success.
I also thought I’d share some of my own daily morning rituals and “vegan hippie” beauty regimens here on the blog for anyone interested. Here goes:
- Slather face with coconut oil and let that shizz soak right in!
- Drink a big glass of lemon chlorophyll water
- Throw back a digestive enzyme + probiotic then a big cup o’ coffee
- Perform 10 minutes of quiet meditation
- State my intentions for the day and do my daily “gratitude practice”
- Stretch and foam roll if I’m feeling TOIGHT 😉
- 20 – 30 mins. of morning cardio + listen to my fave podcasts
- Shower then down my “Morning Matcha Protein Smoothie“
Now I want to know, what does YOUR morning routine look like?
If yours also includes some AM cardio, you should definitely click the link below AND burn some calories whilst you listen to my angelic-like Canadian voice talk about daily habits. 😉
Click the "play button" below to listen. Or HERE to listen on Apple, HERE for Spotify or HERE for Stitcher.
Yeah we’ve been hearing a lot of love for this episode! Glad you liked it. Thanks Molly!
I am truly a fan. I really like the topics you choose.