Podcast #86: Healthy Mouth = Healthy Body: Interview with Oral Health – Jacked on the Beanstalk

Podcast #86: Healthy Mouth = Healthy Body: Interview with Oral Health Holistic Hippie Trina Felber

Podcast #86: Healthy Mouth = Healthy Body: Interview with Oral Health Holistic Hippie Trina Felber

I always like to think I (Sam) am "in the know" when it comes to all things holistic in the health & beauty world.  Hell, I've been using a copper tongue scraper for years and was no doubt, one of the first skincare-obsessed chicks to buy an at-home, red light therapy device to help tighten my skin.

But apparently I've really been dropping the ball when it comes to my oral health!  Yes, like many of my vegan hippie brethren out there, I've been using a "natural" toothpaste for at least a decade.  But what I didn't know is that even the most natural of toothpastes aren't actually all that good for our teeth after all.

So naturally, I was intrigued to have Trina Felber: the founder of Primal Life Organics come onto the podcast and tell us about these dangerous ingredients in our oral health products that are actually causing the de-mineralization of our teeth.  And what we can do to re-mineralize them and have the strongest teeth and gums possible.

Trina Felber Primal Life Organics founder oral health podcast interview

As we mention on the episode, both Sarah and I have become huge fans of the Primal Life "Dirty Mouth Tooth Powder" which comes in the "Dental Detox Kit" along with a tongue scraper!  I am also digging their LED Teeth Whitener for not only whitening my teeth but for strengthening my gum tissue.

Seriously guys, this is fascinating stuff and Trina says it best when she claims "the mouth is the gateway to your body and your oral health is a huge indicator to your overall health."  Interesting stuff discussed on this podcast.  So check it out and if you're interested in getting your own dental detox kit, you can order one HERE.

Click the "play button" above to listen to the podcast. Or HERE to listen on Apple Podcasts.

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